Gut Health & Hormone Regulation

What does your gut have to do with hormones!?

Our digestion plays a crucial role in regulating hormones, such as releasing extra estrogen for elimination through the digestive tract. When constipation or a slower digestion occurs, hormones like estrogen can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

Dietary fiber is great at keeping things moving and nourishing beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut. Probiotics work by enhancing the balance of gut microbiota, the community of microorganisms living in the digestive tract which in turn, aids digestion, clears toxins, strengthens immunity, regulates mood, and so much more.

My top 2 recommendations for repairing your gut microbiome is to add fiber to keep things moving and probiotics to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria while eliminating harmful ones. And as always, drink tons of water, exercise regularly and eat lots of fruits and vegetables to also support your gut health!

This treats hormone imbalance symptoms like:

  • fatigue

  • anxiety/depression

  • mental fog

  • insomnia

  • irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation or lowered fertility

  • PCOS / endometriosis / PMDD / fibroids

  • menopause or peri-menopause symptoms

  • blood sugar / insulin imbalance

  • slow metabolism / weight gain or loss

  • high or low appetite

  • acne / facial hair

  • risk of breast, thyroid and prostate cancer

That’s a lot right!?

For all of my patient taking both fiber and probiotics, their symptoms have improved significantly. It is now my goal to encourage every single patient I have to take both of these supplements, as it can improve general health greatly.

One of my favorite fiber supplements is: Garden of Life Organic Superfood Fiber

A great probiotic is: Garden of Life Probiotic

If you’re interested in the importance of gut health, I recommend this book: Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ


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