Acupuncture for Relief of Painful Periods

Did you know acupuncture can be very helpful for regulating the menstrual cycle? 

Acupuncture can help balance hormones, regulate/improve circulation to internal organs (including, of course, the reproductive organs) and helps manage stress, which can play a role in the menstrual cycle.

This means that acupuncture can help with:

  • Fertility

  • Irregular periods (not on a typical 28-day cycle)

  • Very heavy periods

  • Painful periods

And today I want to talk about that last bullet point, painful periods

I had a friend in undergrad (yes, many years ago) who used to be in such pain during the first day of her period that she would A) take the day off from classes, and B) simply lay on the floor of our shared bathroom with a hot pack on her abdomen. For hours. The whole day. Ibuprofen and Midol did not help.

Sound familiar? In the 11 years that I’ve been in practice, I’ve spoken to many women, and it turns out most of know at least one person who suffers through their period like this. Every month!

Whether the pain is so intense it keeps you home from work, or your period is simply uncomfortable - it doesn’t have to be this way. 

When I think about my dear friend from undergrad, I wish I knew then what I know now: 

That acupuncture is a safe, effective way to reduce period cramps and other associated symptoms. 

There are many research articles that discuss the use of acupuncture for painful period (called primary dysmenorrhea), and I want to share two with you.

In a 2018 randomized controlled trial (RCT) acupuncture was found help reduce the following menstrual symptoms:

  • Pain

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Diarrhea

  • Fainting

  • Mood changes

  • Tiredness

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

And in a much larger study in 2016, they found that acupuncture was significantly better at reducing period pain and associated symptoms than taking NSAIDs, calling it “an effective and safe treatment.”

If you or a friend struggle with a painful period or other menstrual symptoms, know that you don’t have to suffer through this every month. I hope you’ll give acupuncture a try!

We should all live pain-free,

In a previous blog I talk about how Chinese Medicine can treat PMS specifically.


How does acupuncture work for anxiety?


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