Offering Microneedling!

How often do I need to come in for treatment? 

That depends on what you are seeking treatment for. Microneedling for aging, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles can be done up to once per month, up to 6 sessions total. 

Microneedling for hair growth/scalp treatments is done twice per month.

How is this treatment different from less expensive DIY products I can get online? 

Our microneedling services differ in intensity from the consumer products you see online. Acupuncturists are licensed and able to use equipment that penetrates at a deeper level, ultimately giving you faster and longer-lasting results. 

Is there a lot of downtime after treatment? 

Many people are red for 8-12 hours after treatment, but you can resume normal skin care, exercise, and make-up routines 24 hours after treatment. 

Is there anyone who should not try microneedling? 

Yes, anyone with local infection or those with extreme keloidal tendency, chemo, or radiation patients.  It’s also not recommended to get microneedling where you’ve had botox within the past 6 months as it will dissolve the botox.

Is there anything I should do differently on the day of my appointment? 

On the day of your microneedling session, ensure your skin is clean and free of makeup or skincare products to allow for optimal treatment. Avoid excessive sun exposure and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dress comfortably in loose clothing and arrive on time for your appointment.  Avoid skincare products containing retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), vitamin C serums, physical exfoliants, bleaching agents, and strong acne treatments to minimize skin sensitivity and potential irritation. Finally, communicate any questions or concerns you may have with your practitioner before the treatment begins. These simple steps will help you prepare for a successful and comfortable microneedling experience. 


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