Missing the sunshine, warmth, and longer days? Acupuncture can help!


Does the lack of sunlight gets you down this time of year? If you answered yes, you're not alone!

I've had many patients tell me lately that combined with the chilly weather and gray skies, the recent time change has been really hard to deal with.

Maybe you feel mentally and emotionally fatigued, lacking in motivation, just want to sleep and eat, and/or feel down because the sun is set on your commute home from work everyday.

All of this makes sense. Vitamin D, produced in our bodies after exposure to sunlight, plays a role in regulating mood.

And Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) is real. The reduced sunlight in the Northern hemisphere this time of year really does impact how you feel. It's not in your head.

So what can you do?

1. Get acupuncture! (You knew I was going to say this, right? ) Acupuncture helps regulate mood, balance hormones, and put your body into "rest and digest" mode, so you can really relax and feel a sense of balance & peaceful contentment.

2. Try a sunlamp. They're most effective when you set it about 20 inches from your face and use it for 20-30 minutes in the morning. The idea is it mimics natural sunlight (without UV rays, so not the kind of light that gives you a tan). It gives your body the impression you've been out in the sun, which helps improve mood when used consistently.

3. Walk outside even when it's cloudy. Get outside and get some natural light on your face, even if it's not bright and sunny out. The combo of exercise and natural light helps improve mood. Even 10 minutes a day makes a difference!

4. Take a Vitamin D supplement to ensure you're getting enough. 

5. Be gentle with yourself this time of year. In Chinese medicine, the winter is a time to slow down, rest and sleep more, plus eat hearty, warm, nourishing foods. Basically, hibernation! So if you're sleeping more and eating a bit more, remember that this is a natural part of your body's rhythm for this time of year. If you don't feel like doing a huge workout, for example, don't be too hard on yourself!

If you’d like to add acupuncture to help regulate your mood and transition with ease during Daylight Savings Time, you can click here to schedule an appointment.


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