Elbow Pain


Did you know that acupuncture can help relieve elbow pain? Pain management is one of the things that acupuncture does best, and the elbow is no exception.

Pain on the outside of the elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is often referred to as tennis elbow, and pain on the inside of the elbow (medial epicondylitis) is often referred to as golfer’s elbow.

Tennis and golfer’s elbow are often the result of overuse and repetitive motion. Regardless of whether you play either of these sports, you can still find yourself with elbow pain that interferes with your ability to do daily tasks.

If your elbow pain is impacting your ability to:

  • -  Grip and twist (like taking a cap off a bottle)

  • -  Lift heavy objects

  • -  Work out regularly

  • -  Get dressed or do other activities of daily living (like cook dinner) with ease

  • -  Swing a golf club or tennis racket

    Then acupuncture may be able to help!

    The typical recommendation for pain conditions, including elbow pain, is one treatment per week for 6- 8 weeks. After that, we check in with your pain levels and range of motion, and try to space your treatments out while maintaining your results.

    If you’re experiencing elbow pain of any kind, I recommend giving acupuncture a try. It’s a gentle treatment that can get you back to your favorite activities faster!


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