Allergies & Acupuncture

Here are some tips and hints from your acupuncturist that you can use to make this allergy season a breeze!

1. WATER – Increase your water intake and drink it at room temperature, avoiding ice. Add a little lemon for flavor and it’s cleansing benefits. You can also use water as a rinse with a neti pot or nasal wash to flush out your sinuses.
2. CUT OUT IRRITANTS –  Limit your exposure to synthetic fragrances, harsh chemicals, and unnecessary toxins that you may be unknowingly exposing your littlest family members to.


  • Limit dairy, and excessively sweet or spicy foods.

  • Foods that are rich in Vitamin C – This is a natural antihistamine and can be found in citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, melon and cabbage.

  • Foods that support the respiratory system. Eat yellow and orange fruits, such as mangoes and papayas, orange root vegetables such as carrots and yams and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale.

  • Increase your magnesium by including sunflower seeds, spinach, chard, salmon and sesame seeds in your diet, or soaking in a bath of Epsom salts

  • Quercetin can also decrease inflammation. Eat onions, red grapes, apples (with the skin on), tomatoes and leafy green vegetables.

4. GUT SUPPORT – Try a probiotic or digestive enzymes.

5. MOVE – Regular exercise with deep breathing helps keep your qi and healing moving as well as strengthens your lungs and immune system.

6. ACUPUNCTURE – Acupuncture is great at reducing inflammation, promoting immune function, reducing mucus and opening the nasal passages. Relief from each acupuncture treatment is immediate for most patients. A course of 8-12 weekly treatments is recommended to have the most impact on your overall condition

7. HERBS – Some herbs and formulas are incredible at reducing and preventing allergy flare ups.  Consult your practitioner which formula is best for your symptoms.


Aggressive Energy


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